Monday, 19 March 2012

Anxiety Disorder And Its Predominance In Recent Times.

Anxiety Disorder – What It is And How It Affects People

Anxiety disorder
Anxiety disorder is a chronic disorder that is triggered by constant feeling of fear about imaginary situation or objects and being apprehensive about things that lead to emotional or physical turmoil. Typically, excessive stress at the workplace or at home leads to anxiety, which in turn causes panic attacks and other related problems. Panic attacks may occur in certain situations like while addressing an audience or getting stuck in an elevator. Today, anxiety disorder has become so commonplace that 1 out of every 10 people suffer from Anxiety disorder in America. Nearly, 19 million adults in US alone get affected by it and there is a great risk of children and adolescents being affected by this debilitating disorder in the near future.

Anxiety Disorder And Its Types

Depending on the symptoms and causes, anxiety disorder can be categorized into 6 major segments. Following are the major forms:

• PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)

PTSD is the extreme form of anxiety disorder that occurs after a traumatic life changing event. Its symptoms are nightmares, social isolation, over cautiousness and constant glimpses and visuals of the harrowing incident happened in the past.

• Phobia

Phobia is an unexplained, excessive fear from a certain situation or object. The most common phobias are fear of reptiles such as lizards or snakes or a fear of heights or the dark. Almost every person has a certain phobia, but if the underlying cause of the fear is not addressed, the problem can be aggravated leading to serious consequences.

• Social Anxiety Disorders:

As the name suggests, it is the fear of being hated by others. The disorder is also known as social phobia which is a condition in which the patient is apprehensive about others having negative feeling about him/her. The most common symptom of Social Anxiety disorder is stage fear, performing or speaking in front of large, live audience.

• Anxiety Attacks

Anxiety Attacks or panic attacks are sudden bouts of extreme fear or worry. Usually, panic attacks occur in a public place and it is often related to agoraphobia, which is the fear of being stuck in place from where it is difficult to escape.

• OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)

OCD are certain thoughts or behaviors that are hard to control. Patients suffering from this disorder have the tendency to feel distressed about certain worries like they would hurt someone. Uncontrollable compulsions are also part of OCD.

• GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder)

GAD becomes evident when constant feeling of fear or threats affects a person’s day to day activities. Patients affected by GAD constantly worry about fictitious objects or situations without even knowing its inner cause. Its symptoms are indigestion, fatigue, insomnia and restlessness.

Anxiety Disorder – How to tackle the Problem

Tackle The Problem
Dealing with the problems of anxiety disorder is not an easy task at all! But if you make conscious efforts to regain your self-confidence the situation can be brought under control. Having proper sleep at night, regular exercise workouts and being relaxed throughout the day are easy ways to deal with this problem. You can find in-depth information about Anxiety disorder at

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