Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Most Effective Methods Of Natural Stress Relief

Stress Relief Techniques To Relieve Anxiety And Strain

Stress Management
Stress induced by increased workload and tangled personal life have become a common affair nowadays and to almost all stressed out people, relaxation is nothing but zoning out in front of the idiot box or getting few extra hours’ sleep during the weekends.

However these methods are way less effective when it comes to combating the hazardous effects of stress on mind and body. The best way to find the much coveted Stress Relief, one has to unleash the natural methods that sooths and calms the soul from deep inside. Relaxation techniques, proper diet and nutrition, daily unwinding sessions, physical exercises and aromatherapy are some of the most effective ways to reduce stress.

Stress is somewhat necessary for us as it instigates the creative instinct, helps up survive steep competition and also learn new things in life. But it becomes fatal only when the stress level is overwhelming and too intense to handle. Excess stress hampers the natural equilibrium of nervous system, mind and body. Following are some methods to fight anxiety and find perfect stress relief.

Relaxation Techniques For Faster Stress Relief

Stress Management
No single relaxation technique can actually work out similar results for everyone. While choosing one for yourself, you must consider specific needs, level of stress, body fitness and preferences. A suitable technique is one that syncs with your lifestyle and physical health.

Breathing exercise: Deep breathing is perhaps the simplest yet most effective stress buster. To practice deep breathing relaxation, sit comfortably with your back straight and keep one hand on your stomach and one on your chest. Inhale through nose so that the stomach is raised and chest is lowered. Then exhale through mouth so that the abdominal muscles are contracted.

Muscle relaxation: People who do not suffer from back pain or muscle injuries can practice this relaxation method. Wear loose clothes, take a few deep breaths and then start with the process. Focus on the right foot, gradually contract the foot muscle to make them tense and then hold back the condition till 10 counts. Practice the same technique for all muscle groups.

Nutrition For Stress Relief

Many people are simply unaware of the fact that lack of nutrition often adds up to the stress level. There are six necessary food components that are indispensible for good health: Protein, Carbohydrate, Fat, Vitamins, Minerals and Fiber. Deficiency of any of these primary ingredients causes health hazards and alleviates stress level. Include plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grain cereals and low-fat organic snacks in your daily diet and simply cut off excess oil, sugar and sodium intake. Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day and soon you will experience better health with reduced stress.

Aromatherapy Stress Relief

Aromatherapy is the process of using essential oils to reduce headaches, insomnia and other harmful effects of stress and anxiety. Lavender, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, Marjoram, Rosemary and Basil are the most effective essential oils that reduce fatigue, promote sound and uninterrupted sleep, improve mood swings and provide stress relief.

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