Monday, 26 March 2012

Anxiety Symptoms - A Complete Overview

Anxiety Symptoms
Though anxiety is the emotional state of an individual’s mind, its distinctive characteristic traits are not limited to behavioral elements. Anxiety also exhibits certain physical symptoms which could be intense enough to pose threat to the person concerned lifestyle and health. Anxiety can be caused dues to personal problems, complex real life situations and an undue workload. Various anxiety symptoms observed in people include fatigue, nausea, irritability, headaches, chest pain, palpitations and heavy perspiration, amongst others. Reduced immunity, trembling or tickling sensations, cramps in stomach and muscle, digestive disorders are other general anxiety symptoms.

Stress Induced Physical Anxiety Symptoms

The commonest physical anxiety symptoms observed are sensitivity and allergic reactions due to various external or stress induced internal stimuli. Muscle soreness, stiff joints, chronic back pain, spasms and immobility affect stressed out people most often. Pallor, paleness and blanching are other anxiety symptoms.
Due to stress, body temperature could increase abnormally. Stiffness, aches, blotches, sores and bruises show up at various body parts especially in the limbs. Anxiety also triggers intense tremors, zaps and jolts in the body, along with electric spasms.
Though the symptoms vary from one person to another, most people experience frequent itching sensation on their body (hands, ears, face, feet and neck) and an abnormal buzzing sound in the ears. Numbness of body parts and the prickly sensation can be extremely uncomfortable.

Stomach cramps and pain or chest pains, respiratory troubles, sensation of tightness inside chest, exhaustion and choking are common anxiety symptoms observed in men. Sometimes under excessive stress people experience problem in co-ordinating various body parts especially limbs. Due to reduced immunity, stressed out people might also suffer flu, malaise and congestion in tongue. Throat congestion, palpitations, muscle twitches, infections, nausea and vomiting occur under extreme stress. During anxiety attacks tingling sensations, stabbing pains and hyperactivity are other symptoms of stress.

Generalized Psychological Anxiety Symptoms

Psychological anxiety symptoms include intense sense of apprehension and fear towards trifles. Below are some of the common emotional symptoms of anxiety:

• Throbbing heart, extreme tense and jumpy feeling, and predicting horrible situations that are unreal and imaginary.

• Irritability, agitation, watching and presuming imaginary signs of menace and an immobilizing sensation of numbness takes over.

• Sudden anxiety attacks, frequent nightmares and continuous obsessions towards certain objects and situations are common stress symptoms.

• Uncanny feelings like déjà vu and the horror of being trapped.

• Augmented motor tension, irregular sleeping pattern, nervous breakdowns.

• Uncertainties and assumptions about dreadful situations like impending death, fear of an aneurysm, attention deficit are also psychological anxiety symptoms.

Other Anxiety Symptoms Caused By Extreme Stress

Extreme Stress
Insomnia is another symptom of an anxiety disorder, this adds additional stress which results in further reduced or interrupted sleep, nightmares or bad dreams due to frights residing in subconscious. Hearing uncanny sounds in the mind and jolting awake are some of the general anxiety symptoms. Women especially suffer from menstrual problems and morning sickness and depression due to continuous stress. For more information on anxiety and its manifestations, visit

Monday, 19 March 2012

Anxiety Disorder - Increased Prevalence Posing Threat To Modern Society

Anxiety Disorder And Its Effects

Anxiety disorder
Anxiety disorder is a recurrent condition exhibiting several consistent emotional and physical symptoms. The patients experience relentless sense of worry and fear from imaginary threats. Extreme personal or professional pressure triggers acute stress and anxiety which gives rise to anxiety disorder. Various types of anxiety disorders are observed in people and some of them are panic attacks and phobias. Anxiety disorder is not restricted to any age group. It has emerged as an equally detrimental condition for children, adolescents and adults. Already more than 19 million people in America suffer from this debilitating disorder.

Different Forms Of Anxiety Disorder

There are six types of anxiety disorders and each type manifests in a different set of symptoms; their causes are different too. Below is a brief overview on the types of anxiety disorder.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder GAD triggers a continuous sense of worry and anticipation caused by threats that do not even exist. It hampers the regular activities of an individual. Other symptoms associated with GAD are fatigue, restlessness, insomnia, digestive disorders and more

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: OCD manifests in unreasonable behavioral traits, rigid thoughts that seem to be absolutely uncontrollable and constant sensation of fear or worry. Often people spin depressive thoughts over apparently trivial facts and increase the stress level unnecessarily.

Anxiety Attacks: Anxiety attacks or panic attacks are abrupt breakouts of worry and fear. People might suffer panic attacks in a public place and thus it is also accompanied by agoraphobia which is basically the worry about how to escape from a place when another anxiety attack hits you!
• Social Anxiety Disorders: Social anxiety disorder is about spinning negative thoughts about the social status of the person concern. A sufferer is often bothered by a feeling that others are criticizing them even if they are not. This results in social withdrawal and inclinations towards becoming a recluse.

Phobia: Phobia is an overstated and impractical fright or adverse sensation towards any object, condition  or situation. Many people suffer from phobias towards animals like snakes and spiders. Height or flying phobias are also common. Indulging the phobia or avoiding things that trigger these symptoms might entrench the fear even more firmly in the person concerned.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: PTSD generally happens to people who have gone through a horrific experience in the past. The manifestations include hyper-vigilance, petrifying visions of the unpleasant past and nightmares. This might result in depression and social withdrawal.

Handling Anxiety Disorder

Handle anxiety
In order to handle anxiety disorder in an effective and smart manner, one must understand the causes, possible healing methods and symptoms well. Following certain healthy lifestyle habits will help you keep this condition under control. Get up early in the morning, take a walk to the park or work out on regular basis and sleep at least 8 hours to get rid of stress which results in anxiety. To find out more about Anxiety disorder, visit

Anxiety Disorder And Its Predominance In Recent Times.

Anxiety Disorder – What It is And How It Affects People

Anxiety disorder
Anxiety disorder is a chronic disorder that is triggered by constant feeling of fear about imaginary situation or objects and being apprehensive about things that lead to emotional or physical turmoil. Typically, excessive stress at the workplace or at home leads to anxiety, which in turn causes panic attacks and other related problems. Panic attacks may occur in certain situations like while addressing an audience or getting stuck in an elevator. Today, anxiety disorder has become so commonplace that 1 out of every 10 people suffer from Anxiety disorder in America. Nearly, 19 million adults in US alone get affected by it and there is a great risk of children and adolescents being affected by this debilitating disorder in the near future.

Anxiety Disorder And Its Types

Depending on the symptoms and causes, anxiety disorder can be categorized into 6 major segments. Following are the major forms:

• PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)

PTSD is the extreme form of anxiety disorder that occurs after a traumatic life changing event. Its symptoms are nightmares, social isolation, over cautiousness and constant glimpses and visuals of the harrowing incident happened in the past.

• Phobia

Phobia is an unexplained, excessive fear from a certain situation or object. The most common phobias are fear of reptiles such as lizards or snakes or a fear of heights or the dark. Almost every person has a certain phobia, but if the underlying cause of the fear is not addressed, the problem can be aggravated leading to serious consequences.

• Social Anxiety Disorders:

As the name suggests, it is the fear of being hated by others. The disorder is also known as social phobia which is a condition in which the patient is apprehensive about others having negative feeling about him/her. The most common symptom of Social Anxiety disorder is stage fear, performing or speaking in front of large, live audience.

• Anxiety Attacks

Anxiety Attacks or panic attacks are sudden bouts of extreme fear or worry. Usually, panic attacks occur in a public place and it is often related to agoraphobia, which is the fear of being stuck in place from where it is difficult to escape.

• OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)

OCD are certain thoughts or behaviors that are hard to control. Patients suffering from this disorder have the tendency to feel distressed about certain worries like they would hurt someone. Uncontrollable compulsions are also part of OCD.

• GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder)

GAD becomes evident when constant feeling of fear or threats affects a person’s day to day activities. Patients affected by GAD constantly worry about fictitious objects or situations without even knowing its inner cause. Its symptoms are indigestion, fatigue, insomnia and restlessness.

Anxiety Disorder – How to tackle the Problem

Tackle The Problem
Dealing with the problems of anxiety disorder is not an easy task at all! But if you make conscious efforts to regain your self-confidence the situation can be brought under control. Having proper sleep at night, regular exercise workouts and being relaxed throughout the day are easy ways to deal with this problem. You can find in-depth information about Anxiety disorder at